We’re a not-for-profit, registered charity with over 15 years of dedication to fostering inclusion for individuals with intellectual and physical disabilities. Our support extends to those living with aging family, in group homes, or independently within the community, and we recognise and address additional complexities such as mental illness, language barriers, and cultural differences. From our roots in using sports as a vehicle for inclusion to our comprehensive services including community hubs, in-home support, and specialised training, we also extend our support to those in contact with the justice system. 4Titude’s multifaceted approach ensures that all individuals, regardless of their unique challenges, have the opportunity to engage, grow, and thrive, building a more inclusive and compassionate world.
Kelly boasts nearly 30 years in human services, spanning government and non-government sectors. She progressed from a Teacher’s Aid and Disability Support Worker to directorial roles, emphasizing quality care for diverse populations. A passionate advocate for true inclusion, Kelly believes in the potential of every individual. “Redefining what’s possible” is her guiding principle, underscoring the significance of eliminating barriers and championing aspirations. Outside work, Kelly cherishes moments with her family, friends, and bulldogs, Winston and Bentley.
Greg deeply recognises the transformative power of sports. His conviction: shared passions create unique bonds of friendship, purpose, and community. Through collaborations with state and national sports entities, he’s championed inclusivity from grassroots to national stages, ensuring that people with disabilities experience these enriching values. Guided by the principle that society’s legacy lies in its treatment of the vulnerable, he’s opened doors for many. An avid Tigers fan, his enthusiasm is contagious. Off the field, Greg treasures time with his wife Carolyn and their three children.
To provide and promote opportunities, support, interventions, training and self-challenging pursuits for vulnerable & or marginalised people and communities.
“4titude” signifies emotional and mental strength. Echoing tales of knights, it embodies courage derived from mental fortitude. Rooted in loyalty, grit, determination, and advocacy, 4titude is about leading a commendable life. Despite facing discrimination, segregation, and neglect, many showcase this strength daily, dismantling barriers and changing perceptions. Our company, 4titude, honors and embodies these attributes, underscoring the belief that with profound mental strength, anything is achievable.
As a values-based organisation, 4titude adheres our commitment as outlined in the values below.
Underlying everything we do there is a passion for the rights of everyone to be included, whether it's into their community, achieving their dreams and goals or having a sense of belonging. We treat everyone with kindness and compassion and are excited about all possibilities to come.
We bring people together to strive for a common goal. Collaboratively with individuals, staff and community networks we will unite to create opportunities that empowers all to live their best life.
We take ownership and responsibility for our decisions; we are loyal and keep our promises. We admit when we get it wrong and hold each other accountable to the highest standards.
We listen deeply listen, appreciate, and recognise each other. We shine a light on you and your dreams and enable the development of create and follow your own path.
2023 4Titude © 2023